College Girl Erica's

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Artificial Love

That feeling you get when he tells you he loves you on the first date. How his firm voice whisper it in the phone night after night. Those three words that really only mean that he would like to get you in bed as soon as possible and will say anything to get you where he want you. You feel a sudden shiver through your body. It makes your heart warm and soul a bit satisfied.

Your intuition tells you it isn’t real, but your heart has long for this enjoyable feeling. You heart and your mind are now in conflict. The mind knows that falling in love happens over time. The heart feels any love is acceptable. The mind objects after a flashback of the last abusive relationship the two endured. The heart feels that love is a necessity and it is willing to settle.


That feeling you get when she calls you daddy. How her well-developed body, glossed lips, lustrous skin, and sincere eyes taunts you. Those four perfected features she primped for hours are enough for her to suck your pockets dry. You get this sudden erection when she tells you to meet her in room 6 at the Marriott. Then she kisses you on the lips at the cessation of the date. It aids your ego and makes you feel macho.

Your blood is pumping violently and you are impatient. Your instinct tells you to slow down. Your mind and your desires are in disagreement. The mind knows that one-night stands are not healthy. The desire wants anything that is pleasurable. The mind discommended after reliving a dreadful visit to the clinic. The mind is defeated by the desire.

Artificial love is that sudden passion that can derive from deceit. Artificial love is lust disguised as love. Artificial love is when a person associates or marries a person for financial gain. Artificial love is pretending to have ardent feelings for someone. Although, artificial love can be unexpected or tricky, do not surrender upon it. Force your mind to fight that heart and that desire that makes you want to capitulate. You saw the effects of artificial love so play your part smart because now the ball is in your court. What will be your next move his “I love you be” or her “gold digging room at the Marriott”?

-Erica Garner


Don said...

Girl, you are too young to be writing Grown Folk Talk. I admit, you are dead on with your words.

Erica said...

Too young? I'm 17 years OLD and already past the basic requirements for a "young bul". I'm moved out of mom's house earlier this year (detachment), pay my own bills (responsibility and independency), and I'm doing my "thang" in college (working towards success). Oh yeah . . .Zane is my favorite author. I simply learn from the best! (lol)

Don said...

Seventeen?! I thought you were around 19. Now I am really shocked.

How, and why have you appeared to mature so quickly? What exactly did Zane do to you? LOL.

Erica said...

I use to live in the hood and I was always one of those crabs that was determined to climb out of that basket. If I ever wanted a better life I had no choice, but to mature. It was always people like my, brother, his wife, my grandmother, friends, and Andrea, who walked that walk and talked that talk and I simply just tried to blend in. It wasn't Zane; she is a bad influence, but an inspirational writer.

Don said... sum else!