College Girl Erica's

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What I Need is Love

What I Need is Love

It’s what I want.
I want my professors to tell me that I am capable of all things and that I can conqueror the world if that’s my deepest desire.
I want to be adored in other places than the bedroom and pampered in other places than the beauty salon.
It’s not what I want, yet what I need.
It’s what my mind, body, and soul crave.
That feeling I may get from a baby.
So go ahead and impregnate me.
Or possibly from a man caressing my aching back.
Are you the masseuse?
It’s love.
Love from a mother who can kiss me goodnight
Or from a father who keeps his promises.
I crave the love from a friend, who wishes not to plot on me,
But to tell me she's here to help.
I crave for her to love me.
I crave for him to love me.
I need for them to love me!


D. McFadden said...

before anyone can love u, u have to firs love ya self in and out.damn maybe thats my problem. girl u often speak the words of my heart.

Erica said...

I do love myself, but then I have this emotional breakdown and love is out the window. You know when shit gets tough I tend to "lose it" like Eminem. lol

A Beautifulstruggle said...

Erica: That emotional break down is a sign that your love for yourself is not STRONG enough. But that takes time. Time heals all wounds. Shit, you should see me. No, then again, you might get the impression that I'm crazy. lol

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u write well. chk me out one day if u can, im a writer too, maybe u will get some of my books one day and i will b back

Erica said...

Philly's Andrea: Maybe you're right. I will try to work on it.

Torrance stephens bka all-mi-t:
Thanks for the compliment. I will make sure to stop by your site.